[DUG] My turn for D2k7 Update 2 issues

Jeremy Coulter vss at vss.co.nz
Thu Aug 23 13:30:51 NZST 2007

Hi all.
Just ran up D2k7 for the first time in a few weeks, and it applied Update 2. 
Great, EXCEPT, when I run an app. it just sits there "Linking" with no 
activity happening and the CPU sitting at 50% and the memory at about 
notmal, 140MB odd, and it just sits and sits and sits.......
I can do a build fine, just pressing F9 gives the above.
anyone else had this issue? is a solution?  
BFIF, this WAS a d7 project that I have brought into D 2k7 and it DID run 
(kinda) before Update 2

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