[DUG] Debugger - variable values

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Tue Aug 7 19:16:09 NZST 2007

There is something I wanted to know about the debugger.....I love the
debugger being able to examine the values of variables in code.  I have also
got used to that it just won't show the values of some.   Loop pointers
often won't get shown, particularly as you say after the loop is finished.
Some others as well, I assume because of optimisation, or sometimes simply
because it is time to reboot the PC or restart the IDE.

The other type I had got used to never seeing the value of was a member of a
stringlist, eg


The debugger would just show srcTemplateInputLines | () as the value.
However one day, and it has only happened once, it did show the value of the
string.  I got a surprise!

So.....is the debugger supposed to be able to show the actual string values
in a stringlist or not?


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