[DUG] for..loop

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Tue Aug 7 15:28:07 NZST 2007

Its not part of the language definition.    So you use it at your risk.

Ross Levis wrote:
> Why does the Delphi help say that a For loop variable has an undefined value
> after the loop finishes it's iterations?  Surely the variable is always 1
> greater than the maximum "To" value.  That is what appears to happen in all
> situations I've tested.  I often use this test after a For loop to tell if
> something was not found.  What would cause a different result than this?
> Cheers,
> Ross.
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*Rohit Gupta*
* B.E. Elec.   M.E.   Mem IEEE    Associate IEE*
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*Computer Fanatics Limited*
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