[DUG] Debugger Options in D2007

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Tue Aug 7 15:05:21 NZST 2007


I am not referring to the ones that I know the keystrokes from TP3 
days.  What I want to get to is

       Debugger Options
          CodeGear Debuggers
             Language Exceptions
                Notify on Language Exceptions.

I flick it on and off multiple times a day.

If you right click on the toolbar are and select Customise.  Nowehere 
can you find anything for debug options.

Steve Peacocke wrote:
> Not really sure if I get you Rohit. The various debugger options can
> be placed in the toolbar as always. What is it that you are trying to
> do? Which options?
> Steve

*Rohit Gupta*
* B.E. Elec.   M.E.   Mem IEEE    Associate IEE*
*Technical Manager*
*Computer Fanatics Limited*
*Tel*     +64 9 4892280
*Fax*    +64 9 4892290
*Email  *rohit at cfl.co.nz <mailto:rohit at cfl.co.nz>**
*Web    *www.cfl.co.nz <http://www.cfl.co.nz/>
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