[DUG] TAnimtate

Robert martin rob at wildsoft.co.nz
Tue Apr 17 14:13:35 NZST 2007


We have used a TAnimate to show coping files and searching for files 
(common avi's) .  These are gone burger in Vista.  Thats ok (kind of), 
so what we want is a couple of avis (?) that we can build into our app 
as resources so that this issue doesn't recur.

Does anyone have any suggestions on where to resource said animations 
from?  I have looked at animated gifs but there are thousands of them, 
mos of which are rubbish.


P.s. still working on the colour thing!

Rob Martin
Software Engineer

phone +64 03 377 0495
fax   +64 03 377 0496
web www.chreos.com

Wild Software Ltd

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