[DUG] D2006 Rave reports

Cleon Pinto capinto at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 13:03:24 NZST 2006

Hi John,

there are some hints here:


hope its a little helpful

On 9/8/06, John Bird <johnkbird at paradise.net.nz> wrote:
> Code based reports only (ie I am using only the rvSystem component) - I want
> to streamline the standard Rave print dialogue by setting defaults as I can
> already ask some of the relevant questions on an earlier form such as
> picking one of
> Preview
> Default Printer
> Select Printer & Printer Setups
> (I am already showing my own dialogue for my other selections in the report
> so it makes sense to have all the selections on one screen to avoid the
> users having to go through too many screens to get to the printer).
> Ideally I would like to then bypass the standard rvSystem print options
> dialogue which offers the same options again. I can already set the defaults
> for the dialog using rvSystem1.DefaultDest:= (one of rdPreview or rdPrinter)
> Q1 - Is there a way to tell rvSystem to not bring up the dialog?
> Q2 - Is there a way for selecting printer (the third option above) to tell
> it to go straight to the standard windows select printer dialogue?  (ie
> either have it do a setfocus on the "Setup" button on the rvSystem dialog or
> bypass the rvSystem dialog and go straight to the printer selection/setup
> dialog).
> John
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