[DUG] Updating a table from server
Craig Goodall
dugnz at shire.net.au
Tue Oct 17 13:04:29 NZDT 2006
Hi John,
I'm not sure that I understand your question. Maybe you have a network
server with a Paradox table on it? (Paradox being a desktop DB with no
DB Server). If you were using the BDE and you set up an alias in BDE
Administrator, then you might use something like the following (from a
dfm file). Ignore the fact that it's a TwwQuery and that it has a parameter.
object qryPurchases: TwwQuery
DatabaseName = 'MyAlias'
SQL.Strings = (
'Select L."Part Code", L.Description, L."Date Due"'
'From POLine L'
'Where L."PO Number" = :PONumber'
'Order By L."Part Code"')
ParamData = <
DataType = ftInteger
Name = 'PONumber'
ParamType = ptInput
Not sure if this helps.
John wrote:
>Hi all
>How can I select a server's table (Paradox)?
>Neither of the following seems to work:
> select name
> from ESLConsents.users
> select name
> from users at ESLConsents
> select name
> from users:ESLConsents
>Any suggestions at all?
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