[DUG] D2006 and compact framework

Alan Rose Alan at seabed.co.nz
Wed Nov 22 10:37:52 NZDT 2006

> Have you done any PDA development before? 
Back in 1993 in C with Foodstuffs Auckland. A lot has changed since then

> If not then C# is the way to go, as you will be learning the 
> CF anyway so not knowing C# is not a limiting factor. Also be 
> aware that depending on the application and hardware, the CF 
> may not be the way to go either. CF 2.0 is better, but if you 
> are after speed and small footprint then you still can't beat eVC++.

Especially since my project will require a basic 3d terrain. However I
have seen a Microsoft video demoing a 3d display using C# on a mobile
device. So I intend to run some tests before making any decisions. 

> It won't be a populous opinion in a Delphi list, but IMHO if 
> you are doing anything in .NET then the advantages of 
> sticking with Delphi are outweighed by the disadvantages of 
> sticking with Delphi. 

I have to agree anything to do with dot net you are best to learn C# now
as support on the net is huge from both camps, especially Microsoft. As
to best IDE to use will that will come down to what best suits the
individual. Just hope my decision is not made for me by Codegear's delay
in getting what I require to market.   

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