[DUG] PAF NZ Postcode Bonann$a
Paul A Norman
paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Wed May 31 16:55:31 NZST 2006
I still can not get past the fact that this is essentially and historically
not comercial information and still theoretically in the realm of those
things which are in the public domain, $1000 and $3000 for the postal codes
that describe where NZers born or live or work just does not seem correct.
I believe that people should be able to make reasonible profit, but NZ Post
is a Government enterprise.
What about Delphi NZ / DevCo doing a publically spirited very reasonibly
priced development here rto show off the excellance of Delphi et al ... and
help the neglected (IT wise) middle/small NZ buisiness tier?
On 31/05/06, peter at webcentre.co.nz <peter at webcentre.co.nz> wrote:
> > What about DUG / Borland NZ ~ DevCo doing the project, reasonible
> pricing
> > help NZ business (remeber thats what NZ used to be like?) and
> wonderfully
> > promote Delphi / Borland?
> It's an excellent idea, but runs the high risk that NZPO would then
> re-define their licensing terms so that a COM object (or TCP/IP call,
> or....) can't provide indirect access to their data for other
> applications.
> Then where are you?
> ....Cynical? Me?
> Why not?
> cheers,
> peter
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