[DUG] Usage - initialization and finalization
Alister Christie
alister at salespartner.co.nz
Fri May 19 14:09:39 NZST 2006
I was reading Mastering Delphi 2005 the other day (I'm working my way
through it - from what I understand there arn't any good D2006 books as
yet). Anyway there was a discussion on how initialize and finalize
operate under .Net. Given the very non-object orientatedness of
initialize and finalize it's pretty impressive how the Borland (DevCo)
team were able to get so much of the Delphi functionality into .Net. I
say this not having written a Delphi.net app however.
I've certainly learnt quite a bit from reading it as I've gone from D6/7
-> D2006 (even though I'm less than a third of the way through it).
Paul A Norman wrote:
> Point of interest - something basic for me and possibly others to learn.
> I've only ever used unit 'initialization and finalization' "blindly"
> since Delphi 3 days for Activex / OLE type stuff, as just someting
> that you have to do - without understanding.
> initialization
> OleInitialize(nil);
> finalization
> OleUninitialize;
> Otherwise I've used the *onFormComplete* and *onDestroy* to set intial
> stuff up and then release stuff.
> But I am guessing that *Finailization* is a better place to release
> stuff (*help avoid memoery leakage under certain circumstances*?), but
> *Initialization* would have to be used for *Finalization* to be
> acceptable..
> I've read the Delphi 2005 help and googled a bit, but am not yet sure
> just what sorts of code can be put in the Initialization and Finalization.
> 1. Can anything declared as a unit *VAR* or *CONST* be dealt with
> or used in Initialization ? it appears so to me from what I see
> (below).
> 2. Could I safely .*create* and .*free* objects respectively?
> I was reading through a *Unit* the other day and saw all sorts of
> things in *Initialization* there that surprised me.
> Can any one please point me to a good reference on this, or in our new
> learning sharing attitude, explain it for every ones benefit here?
> initialization
> FillChar(BrowserData,SizeOf(BrowserData),#0);
> OleInitialize(nil);
> New(PtrWGUID);
> New(PtrMGUID);
> New(PtrDGUID);
> PtrWGUID^:=CGID_WebBrowser;
> PtrDGuid:=PGUID(nil);
> GetBrowserData(BrowserData);
> IEStr:=IEVerStr;
> OnMessageCompNo:=0;
> finalization
> Dispose(PtrWGUID);
> Dispose(PtrMGUID);
> Dispose(PtrDGUID);
> OleUninitialize;
> end.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085
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