[DUG] In case you're interested (or buy stuff)

Edward Huang edwardh at slingshot.co.nz
Thu May 4 22:31:18 NZST 2006

RE: [DUG] In case you're interested (or buy stuff)I have been a contractor
myself, and also currently have contractors worked for me.  I wouldn't think
a contractor should put in any reference to himself/herself in the code, and
I would be very annoyed if a contractor keep doing it.

What's the point to have name all over the code? What if the code has been
changed/fixed by other developers many times afterwards? As said, source
code control should sort out who did what, instead of you spend time on
write your name everywhere. Besides if you are a contractor, usually you
cannot claim the IP of the source code anyway.

Also, if you spend time on write "Easter eggs" as you said, I would be
seriously thinking that you didn't spend time doing the contracting job,
thus you should charge less contracting hours.

  -----Original Message-----
  From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz]On
Behalf Of tracey
  Sent: Thursday, 4 May 2006 12:40 p.m.
  To: 'NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List'
  Subject: RE: [DUG] In case you're interested (or buy stuff)

  >What do you do when you are contracting and you want to prove you did

  the work, but the idiotic contractee keeps removing all reference to you

  from the code ?  One memorable instance of this was  when I wrote a CPM

  clone optimised for Z80 for Sord Computers and they kept removing my

  name from the code.  Eventually I had to invent an error message and

  code that looked legit.  But if three specific keys were pressed

  simultaneously, it popped up a message saying that I wrote it.

  *Um, have never contracted but... why is it so important to have your name
in the code? For future employment reference? Surely the actual contract
that sets out your work, + actual code, is enough for proof of work? (pardon
my ignorance here)

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