[DUG] Ideas around the DUG

Richard Vowles Richard.Vowles at borland.com
Tue May 2 09:44:21 NZST 2006

To detract from all the smarminess - the most important centres for Delphi in the past have been (1) Auckland, (2) Christchurch, (3) Hamilton.
Generally Wellington is the non-rater because of the governmental policy for Java or a weird desire for Microsoft only tools. 
Lets discuss the DUG - I'm not sure I will get many people to actually attend - there are reasons for this - usually they are (1) apathy, (2) inconvenient time, (3) getting there. Usually the only person I can count on turning up is Rohit (thanks Rohit!), but over time I hope this will change. 
I want to see real value in the DUG - that worthwhile topics are discussed and demonstrated and someone with a good story is showcased. Now, I am expecting that the best delivery mechanism for this will be a method where as the DUG meets it can broadcast this out to the rest of the country and people who are not in the city or who can't otherwise attend will tune in or listen later. I will need champions in each city to help organise these meetings if they are done out of Auckland, but I would like to get to each region once each quarter regardless. 
I really, really am open to ideas - if people have any ideas (positive ones please) on Delphi advocacy and user group activities then please let me know. I have a whole slew of other things planned as well and I would like to form a core advisory group as well - so if you are interested in being active in this, please email me directly.


From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz on behalf of peter at webcentre.co.nz
Sent: Mon 1/05/2006 20:58
To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
Subject: RE: [DUG] RE: Free Model Maker licenses...

> Hey, you'll get a DUG for start :-)

In Christchurch?


Peter Hyde, Development Director
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