[DUG] You say potatoe I say....

peter at webcentre.co.nz peter at webcentre.co.nz
Thu Mar 23 12:49:57 NZST 2006

Dave wrote:

> You guys aren't very old. I started with a Sinclair ZX80 with 1k RAM
> and 4K rom.

Ahem. Standard response: if you haven't entered code into a PDP-11
with the panel switches in order to bootstrap the paper tape reader,
or hand-punched chads out of Portran cards (keyboard, what's a
keyboard?), you're not old.

In fact, you're probably too young to remember what an amazing
innovation the TRS-80 was, several years before the Sinclairs and
BBCs appeared. A real personal computer that a student *could*
afford, just, if they tried. At the time, the closest you could get
in NZ for anything like the price was programmable calculators with

And some other things have changed too. I remember queuing in an
Internal Affairs office in Palmy to apply for *permission* to buy
about $300 in overseas funds so I could import some RAM to upgrade my
TRS-80. Ah yes, those were the good old days...


Peter Hyde, Development Director
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