[DUG]: TDBGrid problem

Karl at Work karlreynolds at xtra.co.nz
Wed Jun 14 17:30:29 NZST 2006

I have a editor which is built using a TDBGrid component and stores x,y
coordinates in incremental form ie. as deltax, deltay in each table row.  I
need to accumulate the deltax,deltay incremental data stored in the grid in
order to plot coordinates of the point represented by the current table row.

The following code is called from the Dataset OnDataChange event to do this
accumulation.  It does this OK, but has an unfortunate side effect -  it
also suppresses the response to any keypress events effectively preventing
editing of the data.

I'm struggling to find a way of avoiding this problem.  Can anyone help?

Create another cds, and within your OnDataChange use CloneCursor(cds1,
False, False), and iterate through that one instead.


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