[DUG] Why InterBase

Neven MacEwan neven at mwk.co.nz
Thu Jun 1 16:30:45 NZST 2006

ever so 'umble is Mr Heinz :-)

was waiting for the SQL-PSM solution

Paul Heinz wrote:
> Richard wrote:
>> Its funny isn't it that architecturally all evidence says "don't put
>> your stuff in stored procedures" - it is hard to port and impossible to
>> scale. On the other hand, every vendor wants you to do it because it
>> ties you to them :-)
> Well, there is a <gasp> standard for SQL stored procedures called SQL-PSM
> (persistent stored modules). However, as you point out, almost no engine
> vendor implements it but rather their own incarnation. Actually, to be
> precise MySQL and DB2 do implement PSM as part of their SQL:2003 support
> because they added stored procs very late in the piece.
> And you missed our Accredo DUG session where we showed our SQL stored proc
> babelfish translating from PSM into MSSQL, FB/IB and Oracle :-)
> So, portablity is solveable. :-)
> And I'm not sure quite what your metric is for scaleable.
> If you mean that the stored proc languages in most engines aren't as well
> tuned as a server java VM, you've potentially got a point, but you're still
> be wearing either cross-process or even cross-machine round-trip losses so
> I'd imagine a stored proc would beat an application server in a lot of
> cases.
> Even if you throw more CPU at the application server, it's still going to be
> rate limited by how much data the database engine can pump so you should
> ramp the specs on the database server too.
> All hand-waving and IMHO, of course :-)
>   Paul.
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Neven MacEwan (B.E. E&E)
Ph. 09 620 1356 Mob. 027 4749 062

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MWK Computer Systems
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