[DUG] Why InterBase

Neven MacEwan neven at mwk.co.nz
Thu Jun 1 14:57:25 NZST 2006


I didn't say it was efficient :-) Though some could argue that there is 
a lot you can do that don't require triggers for ie constraints.

I'd more likely accept the point that mssql does not have row level 
triggers, this makes cascading key updates require a cursor in the 
trigger yuk!. AFAIK IB doesn't have batch triggers so one could argue 
that row level triggers are a lot less efficient in terms of CPU and 
memory load than batch ones :-)


Paul Heinz wrote:
> Neven wrote:
>>  > - BEFORE triggers
>> In all triggers the state before and after is available hence the
>> concept of before and after triggers are irrelevant
> True, but if you want to reject the operation (usually to enforce a business
> rule), it's much more efficient (less CPU and memory load) to abort in the
> before stage than in the after stage when the database engine has gone to
> all the trouble to do the actual update/insert work when you're going to NAK
> it anyway.
>   Paul.
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Neven MacEwan (B.E. E&E)
Ph. 09 620 1356 Mob. 027 4749 062

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MWK Computer Systems
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