[DUG] TypeLibraries Interfaces

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Thu Jun 1 14:44:11 NZST 2006

Thanks Phil, it helps me with a streaming issue.


On 01/06/06, Phil Middlemiss <phil at tumonz.co.nz> wrote:
>  you would still have to create the object that implements that interface
> using a the corresponding coClass in the type library. Otherwise it is no
> different to a pointer (well, it is a pointer really) in that it points to
> nil until you assign it something. The underlying object, once instantiated,
> is freed automatically since it is reference counted (see
> TInterfacedObject).
> Cheers,
> Phil.
> Paul A Norman wrote:
>  Hi to all,
> There is something about tyoelibraries and interfaces that I have never
> quite grapsed.
> When you declare a 'variable' say for accessing an IxxxSomething as fo
> example in MSHTML_TLB
>  var
>   myImage : IhtmlImgElement;
> You do not have to create or dispose of it.
> Is that because it is only some kind of pointer to something that already
> latently exists in the Interfac(ed) document?
> Paul
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