[DUG] Ttimer freezing
John Bird
johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Mon Jul 31 11:50:02 NZST 2006
Dear Microsoft I have found a problem with one of your XP Powertoys,
described below.
1 - Is there a fix?
2 - You may wish to check the Vista task switcher does not have this problem
(I don't have a Vista beta to check myself).
I have just established what causes the Ttimer to freeze on my PC:
I have a Microsoft addon, Windows XP power tools, one of which is an
enhanced task switcher. As well as showing the icon when doing Alt/Tab, it
shows a thumbnail preview of the window, which is real useful as I often
have 3 or 4 windows of the same type open and I can spot easily which is the
one I am after.
(A similar feature will be standard in Vista, where a thumbnail window
preview will float above the task bar as you mouse over the task bar.)
Now - if the program running has a timer, and the task switcher gets a
thumbnail preview of the window, it freezes the timer, every time. The
program is a bit hit and miss, as it is sometimes slow responding, and
doesn't always retrieve a thumbnail, and I have found if it doesn't then
the timer is unaffected. Obviously it pokes into the process to get the
screen thumbnail and it disrupts any timer as it does so.
The version on the Microsoft site is still the same as the one I have. Lets
hope that Vista does not have the same problem!
Any suggestions? Anyone else on the DUG use this tool?
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