[DUG] Capturing mouse wheel
Phil Middlemiss
phil at tumonz.co.nz
Thu Jul 27 16:44:28 NZST 2006
Stunning advice. Although it means completely redesigning the packaging
for our product (to accommodate shrink-wrapped cheese), we have decided
to go ahead and implement your amazing suggestion. We are also planning
on offering an optional branded mouse-wheel - one that can really let
the mouse do it's thing.
Kyley Harris wrote:
> I seem to recall that Cheese usually gets good results within an hour
> or two. If you want to get the mouses attention faster then use warm
> fried wafting bacon.
> It kind of depends on the mouse, if it really likes the wheel you may
> have to use drastic measures.
> Hope that helps :D
> Kyley.
> On 27/07/2006, at 9:17 AM, Phil Middlemiss wrote:
>> We have a component that can use the mouse wheel - unfortunately, we
>> also use another component (not ours) that uses the mouse wheel. The
>> standard windows convention seems to be that whatever window has the
>> focus gets to process the message first. So even though the mouse is
>> over our component when the mouse wheel is rolled, the other
>> component gets the message.
>> I seem to remember some time ago seeing how to replace the main
>> TApplication message handler with your own, but can't remember how
>> now. Is this possible? What is the technique?
>> Phil.
>> <phil.vcf>
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