[DUG] Returning a WideString in an Invoke Param
Phil Middlemiss
phil at tumonz.co.nz
Tue Jul 18 12:35:52 NZST 2006
I'm using Delphi6 which allows the ^ to be optional if the pointer is a
typed pointer.
Todd Martin wrote:
> Actually I've spotted an error in your code....and my example.
> rgvarg is of type PVariantArgList, so you need to dereference the
> pointer to the variant list and then index the array.
> Like so
> funtion getParameter(Params : TDispParams; AIndex : Integer) :
> OleVariant;
> begin
> Result:= Params.rgvarg^[AIndex ];
> end;
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Phil Middlemiss" <phil at tumonz.co.nz>
> To: "NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List" <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 11:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [DUG] Returning a WideString in an Invoke Param
>> No, it's not in a DLL. It's the automatically generated events object
>> that the Automation wizard produces when creating an automation server
>> with events. It's for use in the client app that will connect to the
>> automation server in order to respond to the events that the automation
>> server fires.
>> Perhaps I need to use OleVariants. Infact, the actual parameters may be
>> OleVariants instead of bstrVal types.
>> Phil.
>> Rohit Gupta wrote:
>>> Is this code in a DLL ? If so then you can not transfer ansistrings
>>> unless you
>>> use a sharememory kludge.
>>> Last time I chose to use shortstrings to get around this. That
>>> worked fine
>>> except in some instances on some PCs, the exceptions would not work...
>>> When I thought about it, the exception object itself uses
>>> ansistring. So
>>> Borlands staement is not true.... if the DLL can possible raise an
>>> exception,
>>> it uses ansistring and you need to use sharemem.
>>> Date sent: Tue, 18 Jul 2006 11:13:50 +1200
>>> From: Phil Middlemiss <phil at tumonz.co.nz>
>>> Organization: MTS Ltd
>>> To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
>>> Subject: [DUG] Returning a WideString in an Invoke Param
>>> Send reply to: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
>>> <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
>>> <mailto:delphi-request at ns3.123.co.nz?subject=unsubscribe>
>>> <mailto:delphi-request at ns3.123.co.nz?subject=subscribe>
>>> Hi all,
>>> I have an automation object with events. One of the events has a couple
>>> of VAR parameters which I'm not quite sure how to handle. Here is the
>>> code that is NOT working:
>>> procedure TT3SDKEvents.DoInvoke(Sender : TObject; DispID: Integer;
>>> const
>>> LocaleID: Integer; Flags: Word; var Params: TDispParams; VarResult,
>>> ExcepInfo,
>>> ArgErr: Pointer);
>>> case DispID of
>>> ...
>>> 4: { OnIdentify }
>>> if assigned(FOnIdentify) then
>>> begin
>>> //initialise the values
>>> layermanagerid := WideCharToString(Params.rgvarg[1].bStrVal);
>>> appname := WideCharToString(Params.rgvarg[0].bstrVal);
>>> if assigned(FOnIdentify) then
>>> FOnIdentify(layermanagerid, appname);
>>> Params.rgvarg[1].bstrVal := PWideChar(layermanagerid);
>>> Params.rgvarg[0].bstrVal := PWideChar(appname);
>>> end;
>>> end;
>>> end;
>>> The above code just ends up returning an empty string - I've checked to
>>> make sure that the call to FOnIdentify is indeed returning values.
>>> So the question is: how should I be returning a widestring in the
>>> TDispParams?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Phil.
>>> Regards
>>> Rohit
>>> ======================================================================
>>> CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd. 21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New Zealand
>>> PH (649) 489-2280
>>> FX (649) 489-2290
>>> email rohit at cfl.co.nz or r.gupta at xtra.co.nz
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