[DUG] DLL base addresses

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Wed Aug 30 09:16:41 NZST 2006

The setting is also available in exes.  Just dont worry about it, 
Windows does relocate all exes and dlls.

Ross Levis wrote:
> I'm new to writing DLL's and I'm just wondering about a base address to 
> select.  I assume each DLL a program loads requires a unique base 
> address that does not overlap another DLL, is that correct?
> It seems rather hit & miss to me, particularly when dealing with plugins 
> written by 3rd party developers.  I don't understand why windows doesn't 
> just locate each DLL in a unique location.
> Are there any conventions to allocating a base address?  I presume one 
> should stay clear of operating system DLL's base addresses whatever they 
> are.
> Regards,
> Ross. 
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*Rohit Gupta*
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