[DUG] Delphi on Linux

Neven MacEwan neven at mwk.co.nz
Fri Aug 11 10:51:26 NZST 2006


Are you looking as LTSP or NoMachine, both purport to support Wine.

My strategy for reducing dependence on M$ is to dismantle the spider-web 
of hooks they have into users (to mangle a number of analogies), The 
Linux (or pure LTSP) desktop is the long term target, not the immediate 
one. First you have to get the windows apps out of the way (or at very 
least minimse it), get your users on Firefox & Thunderbird (get rid of 
IE and Outlook), if you can then get Open Office in the frame you are in 
the clear. Otherwise you will be always fighting a losing battle.

All these posts about Kylix make me think that maybe we should look at 
Firefox (& TB) as the most successful cross platform apps, ie Mozilla 
based. And what does that toolkit do right?


Wayne Roser wrote:
> Instead of compiling for Linux, our IT dept is trying to get a bunch of windows programs running on
> a linux server using WINE so that we can get free terminal services without buying the microsoft
> product. Some of the software is written in Delphi (by me) and some we buy from elsewhere. 
> Has anyone done this sort of thing? 
> "Free" terminal services seems to be pretty labour expensive.
> This might be off-list. If so, please email me similarly. Thanks.
> Wayne Roser
> Kristin School
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Neven MacEwan (B.E. E&E)
Ph. 09 620 1356 Mob. 027 4749 062

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MWK Computer Systems
1 Taumata Rd

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