[DUG] AJAX libraries for Delphi

Phil Middlemiss phil at tumonz.co.nz
Fri Aug 11 10:51:11 NZST 2006

Yeah, I'm using AjaxToolbox which is a nice lite, easy to use and 
flexible library.

I found the problem in the end. My server code was trying to send 
non-XML safe characters. The text containing the characters was 
contained in a CDATA section and firefox had no problems with it, but IE 
spat the dummy.


Richard Vowles wrote:
> Aren't you using a library? Under Java I use DWR - which deals with all
> the issues surrounding IE/Firefox incompatibilities. 
> Are there any around that people are using for Delphi? Typically they
> create you Javascript classes to call from your Delphi source code. So
> you just create the object (with a mapper file on your web server) and
> call the method and the infrastructure takes care of all the rest. 
> I implemented a file upload using AJAX that _accurately_ tells you how
> far through the upload you are using AJAX (it asks the server how much
> of the file you have uploaded). It really makes uploading via HTTP
> fantastic!
> Richard
> ---
> Richard Vowles, Product Evangelist, Developer Tools Group
> email: richard.vowles at borland.com
> phone: +64-9-3600-231
> cell: +64-21-467747
> other: MSN richard.vowles at borland.com, skype: rvowles
> blog: http://www.usergroup.org.nz/blogs/selectBlog.html?id=39769
> -----Original Message-----
> From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz]
> On Behalf Of Phil Middlemiss
> Sent: Friday, 11 August 2006 10:15 a.m.
> To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
> Subject: Re: [DUG] Turbo Delphi
> Agreed. IE is consistently the biggest factor in the time it takes me to
> make a web app.
> In fact I'm struggling right now with an IE problem that should work
> fine (using xmlHttpRequest) but doesn't (works fine in Firefox etc).
> *sigh*
> Phil.
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