[DUG] Resizing forms

Alister Christie alister at SalesPartner.co.nz
Thu Apr 13 11:49:48 NZST 2006

You can use
   ChangeScale(RezyIni.FormZoomLevel, 100);  //put this in oncreate
I think there is a property or 2 you need to set on the form for this to 
work correctly (Autosize for instance), values that work best seem to be 
125, 150, 175 etc - especially if you have your grid size on your forms 
set to 4 or 8.

There is a component called TElastiForm (or something similar) which 
allows for dynamic resizing - but when I tried it it didn't quite work 
how I wanted it to.

Alister Christie
Computers for People
Ph: 04 471 1849 Fax: 04 471 1266
PO Box 13085

John Bird wrote:
> Question - My main program has 3 or 4 main forms, set to fit on a 800x600
> screen, but would like to have them resize to fill most of larger screens.
> They all have a few labels at the top of the screen, bottom part of form is
> a page control, and on each page/tab are more labels and a stringgrid or
> memo.  What do I need to read up on and do to allow the labels and
> particularly the page control and grids and columns to resize to larger
> screens......haven't ever done this yet)
> I know how to find the screensize, that is not the problem.....its what
> properties I need to play with to do the resizing that I don't know...
> Any quick suggestions or where to read up to find more of the issues to be
> aware of....
> John
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