[DUG] Top Delphi people colud be leaving borland.

Conor Boyd lists at conor.org.uk
Tue Sep 27 08:36:35 NZST 2005

Doesn't directly address the issues (although there is one question and
response about Coates), but here's a short recent interview with Borland's
newest CEO.


From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz] On
Behalf Of Nahum.Wild
Basically Robert Coates has tried to buy Delphi from Borland for US$150m
(way more than it's probably worth).  The Borland Board has said NO,
seemingly without much thought on the matter, because Delphi "is a cash cow"
and not because they have a grand vision for it.  Borland seem to be winding
down Deploy based products and transferring staff internally away from this
and related areas.  As a result:
"...All of this has had a chilling effect on morale at the Delphi and Deploy
groups.  Several
top people have already resigned, and Mr. Coates has been informed that
have offers for employment elsewhere...."
Not good.  Is D2006 going to be the last potentially decent version????? 
Has anyone heard anything further about this?  Got links?
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