[DUG] svCOM components

Paul McKenzie paul at smss.org.nz
Tue Sep 20 15:35:34 NZST 2005

The latest is probably ok/worth a look - we had no need for a DCOM Service (the old version)...

Paul McKenzie
New Zealand

Jeremy Coulter wrote:
> no, we def. need a service.
> Jeremy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul McKenzie <paul at smss.org.nz>
> To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
> Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 14:48:42 +1200
> Subject: Re: [DUG] svCOM components
>>Do you actually require a DCOM Service?
>>If not, why add the overhead of another 3rd party product.
>>Our initial use of SVCOM was to provide an Application which provided a
>>DCOM Service on Win95 WinNT 
>>and Win2K. Why ???
>>We managed to convince our clients that a service was not actually
>>necessary - all they required was 
>>the auto launch of a DCOM AppServer when there was no logon active on
>>the AppServer...
>>Paul McKenzie
>>New Zealand
>>Jeremy Coulter wrote:
>>>hmmm.....well there is a demo so I will grab it and take a look.
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Paul McKenzie <paul at smss.org.nz>
>>>To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
>>>Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 08:36:24 +1200
>>>Subject: Re: [DUG] svCOM components
>>>>Yes, we found them difficult - this was 2-3 years back...
>>>>Re Stefan - "Older versions of svCom had a couple of nasty bugs ...
>>>>latest version is good 
>>>>though, no problems at all with the component and happy with it."
>>>>The new version may be worth a look at.
>>>>Paul McKenzie
>>>>New Zealand
>>>>Jeremy Coulter wrote:
>>>>>do they have any functionality for communiation with other apps?
>>>>>Whay I mean by that is, can I write a contol panel applet that will 
>>>>>communicate with the service via their components?
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: "Stefan Mueller" <muellers at orcl-toolbox.com>
>>>>>To: "'NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List'"
>>>><delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
>>>>>Date: Mon, 19 Sep 2005 16:30:50 +1200
>>>>>Subject: RE: [DUG] svCOM components
>>>>>I do, makes debugging and testing of services pretty easy. 
>>>>>Older versions of svCom had a couple of nasty bugs … and the author
>>>>kind of 
>>>>>looked like taking a year off without giving any support (you only
>>>>can buy 
>>>>>the source for the service framework, you don’t get the source for
>>>>>The latest version is good though, no problems at all with the
>>>>component and 
>>>>>happy with it.
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz
>>>>[mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz] On 
>>>>>Behalf Of Jeremy Coulter
>>>>>Sent: Monday, September 19, 2005 4:14 PM
>>>>>To: delphi at delphi.org.nz
>>>>>Subject: [DUG] svCOM components
>>>>>Hi all.
>>>>>Anyone on the list use or tried svCOM controls for creating windows 
>>>>>How do they rate?
>>>>>Thanks, Jeremy
>>>>>Delphi mailing list
>>>>>Delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
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>>>>Delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
>>>Delphi mailing list
>>>Delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
>>Delphi mailing list
>>Delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
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