[DUG] ISAPI Web service

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Tue Sep 20 13:33:11 NZST 2005

I am confused.  I understood that a webservice dll was instantiated 
for each webservice function invokation.  certainly the dotnet 
webservice works this way.

Why doesnt the ISAPI ?  I have just inherited one and the 
datamodule in it is created only once.  The problem with it is that it 
is written with the assumption that each invocation was instantiating 
a new dll.  Mutiple concurrent users crash it.  :-(


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New 
PH    (649) 489-2280 
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email rohit at cfl.co.nz  or  r.gupta at xtra.co.nz

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