[DUG] StringGrid/DBGrid
Neven MacEwan
neven at mwk.co.nz
Wed Sep 7 18:05:16 NZST 2005
Depends how much you like doing yourself, I really enjoyed
getting to grips with TVirtualTree
which can be a tree or a grid!
and implements inplace editors via an interface (which means
you can use any base component you want in your own subclass)
You may of course end up liking the trees so much you abandon
John Bird wrote:
> I have been using the D5 vanilla StringGrid for displaying data.
> The data I am reading is from non database data files - I am reading it in
> myself using TFileStream.
>>From now on I want to be inputting and editing data in grids, but the
> standard StringGrid does not have many embedded cell editors - the one it
> supplies seems pretty simple - it does not do even the things the standard
> editbox one does (move through a string one word at a time etc with Ctrl/W
> etc).
> Can anyone who has an opinion on the options below kindly give a
> recommendation!
> (see below for a tiny reward)
> As I see it my options are:
> Option 1 - Add a few extra features to the standard stringgrid and use that
> for my stuff.
> ____________________________________________________________________________
> ______________
> I would need:
> -a enter cell event (to store the current contents of the cell to check
> for changes)
> -a exit cell event (so I can call code to verify any cell changes)
> -someway to know the position on the screen of the current cell in case
> I want to pop up a lookup window
> If I could do all of these I would have all I need. Best way to get these?
> I could use the onDrawCell event?
> Option 2 - DBGrid
> _________________
> I note the DBGrid seems to have a lot more data verification and cell events
> onColEnter and onColExit (are these meant to be called onCellEnter and
> onCellExit?) The help says these are when a cell is entered and exited. If
> it is a colenter and not a cell enter, what happens if the user arrows from
> one cell to the one below it - does it fire?
> I notice there is a LoadFromFile and a SavetoFile which looks like I could
> use to get the data into the grid.
> To use the TDBGrid I could use these methods or a TClientDataSet.
> Option 3 - use a third party grid control.
> __________________________________________
> So far I haven't needed to do this, but have been wondering about some of
> the 3rd party components like XStringGrid and AliGrid. I like having
> everything vanilla and not having upgrade issues, but also don't wish to
> reinvent the wheel all the time!
> Option 4 - TClientDataSet and upgrade
> _____________________________________
> Now TClientDataSet is not in D5, and some friends (namely Gary B) have been
> long telling me this is the simplest way to display, edit and manipulate
> data (using DBGrid), so it might be time to upgrade, hence look at D7 or
> D2005. I think the stuff I have done so far is unlikely to break D2005, so
> happy to look at either. Best sources of an upgrade?
> Reward
> ______
> For reading this far here is a tiny reward: a little bit of code I wrote to
> sort a standard stringgrid. Very fast. Note it only does (case insensitive)
> alpha compares, but could easily be modified to do other orderings. As I
> already put in numbers right justified into grids it also works for numbers
> for me.
> It makes a tag stringlist which is sorted in one step, then copies the
> original data into a temporary array and then puts it back in the new order
> to the original stringgrid. While a bit more work, it is a lot faster than
> using a two record at a time exchange or a bubblesort. It also allows
> sorting by two columns.
> If there is anything I have done you would like to improve kindly tell me!
> procedure xcSortGrid(var
> PGrid:TStringGrid;SortColumn1:Integer;SortColumn2:integer;AscDesc:char;CaseI
> nSensitive:Boolean);
> var
> UnsortedList:TStringList;
> olddefrow,newdefrow:integer; //keep same data row as default
> oldrow,datalhs,ptr,colptr,rowptr:integer;
> tempstr:string;
> lAscDesc:char;
> tempcells:array of array of string;
> begin
> if PGrid.rowcount < 2 then exit; //nothing to sort
> UnsortedList:=TStringList.Create;
> UnsortedList.sorted:=false;
> olddefrow:=-1;
> NewDefRow:=-1;
> if PGrid.row>0 then oldDefRow:=PGrid.row;
> for ptr:=0 to PGrid.rowcount-1 do
> begin
> //put sort col plus orig pointer into stringlist
> tempstr:=PGrid.cells[SortColumn1,ptr]+PGrid.cells[SortColumn2,ptr];
> if CaseInsensitive=true then uppercase(tempstr);
> xcstrpad(tempstr,60); //make the string 60 chars long
> tempstr:=tempstr+inttostr(ptr);
> UnSortedList.Add(tempstr);
> end;
> //sort it
> UnSortedList.sorted:=true;
> //now copy original cells to tempcells dynamic array
> setlength(tempcells,PGrid.colcount,PGrid.rowcount);
> for rowptr:=0 to PGrid.rowcount-1 do
> begin
> for colptr:=0 to PGrid.colcount-1 do
> begin
> tempcells[colptr,rowptr]:=PGrid.cells[colptr,rowptr];
> end;
> end;
> //now write back to grid
> lAscDesc:=upcase(AscDesc);
> if lAscDesc='A' then
> begin
> for ptr:=0 to PGrid.rowCount-1 do
> begin
> tempstr:=copy(UnSortedList[ptr],61,10);
> oldrow:=strtoint(tempstr);
> if oldrow=oldDefRow then NewDefRow:=ptr;
> //oldptr is orig row number, ptr is new row number
> for colptr:=0 to PGrid.colcount-1 do
> begin
> PGrid.cells[colptr,ptr]:=tempcells[colptr,oldrow];
> end;
> end;
> end
> else
> begin
> for ptr:=PGrid.rowcount-1 downto 0 do
> begin
> tempstr:=copy(UnSortedList[ptr],61,10);
> oldrow:=strtoint(tempstr);
> if oldrow=oldDefRow then NewDefRow:=ptr;
> //oldptr is orig row number, ptr is new row number
> for colptr:=0 to PGrid.colcount-1 do
> begin
> PGrid.cells[colptr,ptr]:=tempcells[colptr,oldrow];
> end;
> end;
> end;
> UnsortedList.free;
> tempcells:=nil;
> if (OldDefRow>0) and (NewDefRow >=0) then PGrid.row:=NewDefRow;
> //note this means if the current row was 0 (the top) the new default row
> after sorting is still the top,
> //which is generally the best sense.
> end;
> John B
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Neven MacEwan (B.E. E&E)
Ph. 09 620 1356 Mob. 027 4749 062
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