[DUG] app terminating abruptly

Kyley Harris kyleyharris at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 23:52:23 NZDT 2005

Do you use memcheck?

If you do not, then you might do yourself the kindness of running it and  
seeing what comes up
as far as memory overruns, memory leaks etc. then submit the log file.

if you do use it, and its clean, then only examination of your code will  
find your problem.

On Tue, 29 Nov 2005 23:42:01 +1300, Ross Levis <ross at stationplaylist.com>  

> The problem code I fixed turned out to not be the cause of the app
> termination.  It's still occuring, just less often for some reason.
> While I'm running in the debugger, I occasionally get an access
> violation at 0220F750.  It is always the same location and I suspect
> this must be causing the instant termination when not running in the
> debugger.
> In the CPU window if I click "Caller", it jumps to a function
> called IsChild inside USER32.DLL.  EAX = 7FFDD000
> I'm not sure where to go from here to track this down to code in my app!
> I don't think it is a stack overflow problem since the program has been
> running for 2 days on another PC now, and I've had the problem occur in
> the debugger within only a few minutes.
> It is not a thread issue.  The error is occuring in the main thread and
> I've checked the other thread code and no unprotected access of the main
> thread is occuring.
> The only one thought I had was with the fisSharedMemory component.  This
> uses a file mapping system but without a file.  I'm accessing the same
> memory block written in one app and being read in another app at 50ms
> intervals in both apps, with no locking protection or anything like
> that.  I'm not worried about reading incorrect data, but surely this
> cannot cause an access violation to a memory location that seems totally
> unrelated, or could it?
> Cheers,
> Ross.
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Kyley Harris

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