[DUG] app terminating abruptly

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Fri Nov 25 11:44:57 NZDT 2005

Its more probably running out of resources... window handles,  file 
handles.. things like that.  I get this constantly with GetRight, Opera 
and Nero - they are far too hungry, especially Nero.  Have a look in 
the Task Manager.  Add Handles and Threads columns to Process 
tab and sort by them

From:           	"Ross Levis" <ross at stationplaylist.com>
To:             	"NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List" <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
Date sent:      	Fri, 25 Nov 2005 09:53:22 +1300
Organization:   	http://www.StationPlaylist.com
Subject:        	[DUG] app terminating abruptly
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I have developed an audio player which works fine for several hours and 
then will permaturely terminate.  It is terminating instantly without 
shutting down correctly, leaving a system tray icon visible.

It appears to happen when the CPU goes to 100% for a few seconds at each 
change of track, This is due to the fact that it's only a 950Mhz AMD 
Duron and it's encoding an internet radio stream and running a 
compressor/limiter at the same time.  It usually sits at 50 to 60% most 
of the time but there are 2 or 3 threads executed with tplower 
priorities at a change of track to update various things.  The CPU goes 
to 100% for a few seconds but this works fine most of the time. 
Suddenly after several hours it will terminate without any exceptions or 
anything.  I have MadExcept installed and it doesn't popup at all.

The PC has been working fine under load for a couple of years with a 
previous version of my player which did not execute quite as many 
threads at a change of track as it does now, but it's similar in other 

I ran a CPU torture test and a memory test on the PC some time ago for 
several hours and it passed.  I'm worried that I may be doing something 
wrong in the software.  It is moving audio around in several places in 
memory blocks using pointers, etc, so there is the slim possibility that 
a buffer is over running, but unlikely.

Is it possible that Windows XP would terminate an app without notice if 
unallocated memory was written to?  I would expect an AV error.

As a side note, I did once get an error box appear saying something like 
"too many consecutive exceptions".  This didn't make any sense since I 
have MadExcept installed which should trap any exceptions but it didn't.

Anyone have any ideas?


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