[DUG] Component that knows when a click occurs elsewhere (second try)

Paul Lyons p.lyons at paradise.net.nz
Thu Nov 24 23:25:17 NZDT 2005


I submitted this a couple of days ago, but the formatting seemed to 
confuse things somewhat, so I'm  resubmitting without any formatting. If 
you've read it already, I apologise. I don't want to waste people's time!

I'm writing a subclass of tComponent,   tWCL,   that calls   
reactionMethod   when the user clicks one something else - on another 
component, but also on the form..

When I originally wrote   tWCL,   I gave it an onExit handler. When the 
user clicked on some other component, the tWCL object's onExit handler 
was called automatically, and this called   reactionMethod.   I also 
added the handler    form.onClick,   which explicitly set the tWCL 
object's enabled property to FALSE when the user clicked on the form, 
thereby also invoking the object's onExit handler, which in turn 
called    reactionMethod,    as required

Now, however, I want to turn    tWCL    into a component, and I don't 
want the user to have to write a    form.onClick    handler. How can I 
get my component to detect that the user has clicked on the form, so 
that it can call   reactionMethod?


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