[DUG] MainIcon is not the main

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Wed Nov 9 11:57:31 NZDT 2005

When I tested it originally in D1 the mainicon set by Delphi Project 
Options worked.  I find now that somewhere aoong the way it 
stopped working.  The default icon for the app is the icon in position 
0.  Now that the icons are sorted by name... the position 0 is not 
called MainIcon and is not the mainicon.

1.  How have you addressed this problem ?

2.  Seeing that it doesnt work, why is the option still in Delphi to set 
the project icon ?


CFL - Computer Fanatics Ltd.  21 Barry's Point Road, AKL, New 
PH    (649) 489-2280 
FX    (649) 489-2290
email rohit at cfl.co.nz  or  r.gupta at xtra.co.nz

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