[DUG] WARNING! Do NOT buy from TradeMe or EBay

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Fri Nov 4 11:29:04 NZDT 2005

Dear Richard,
 A well placed corporate computer industry type fellow was once selling some
stuff but we were spared some difficulty because . .
 Corel, and sometines Adobe I think, regional offices in the past have put
clear (but elegantly designed) Media license stickers (permanent glue!) on
the outside of their media kits.
 Seeing these on other companis products has helped us avoid bad moves. We
nearly got stuck with something very bad once becasue it was not marked in
any way. A journalist was selling stuff openly and that itseslf alerted us
on another occasion.
 When I look at the picyures supplied on the recent postings in New Zealand
Trademe, there do not appear to be any media kit warnings on them.
 Do you think that that is something that Borland USA, Singapore and other
regional offices might consider implementing?
 On 04/11/05, Richard Vowles <Richard.Vowles at borland.com> wrote:
> Guys,
>  A real warning. In the last two weeks alone I have been contacted by
> THREE people who have been burnt by this.
>  One guy purchased from ebay and got the item sent out. It turned out to
> be an educational license where the key was attached to an account in France
> (not the UK where he purchased it).
>  The other two purchased off TradeMe and paid $600 and $800 for media
> kits. They were unopened so the person selling probably didn't know they
> weren't full versions, but they may have. This is also not legal, only our
> resellers with reseller agreements can resell our products without explicit
> permission from us.
>  We aren't trying to make things hard for you guys, if you have a
> legitimate sale (decreasing developers, etc) then we are happy to grant
> permission, but it is to protect people from things like this happening.
>  Richard
>  ---
> Richard Vowles, Solutions Architect, Borland New Zealand
> email: richard.vowles at borland.com
> phone: +64-9-9184573
> cell: +64-21-467747
> other: MSN richard.vowles at borland.com, skype: rvowles
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