[DUG] Paradox and TclientDataSet Delphi 2005 Install Express BDE merge modules

Paul A Norman paul.a.norman at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 09:13:06 NZDT 2005

Thanks Jeremy, does it matter which unit, I placed it in my primary
This is what got me thinking I should include the dll,

 "Database applications that use client datasets such as *TClientDataSet* or
dataset providers require you to include midaslib.dcu (for static linking
when providing a stand-alone executable); if you are packaging your
application (with the executable and any needed DLLs), you need to include

Midas.dll normally lives in the windows / system32 it seems.
And re including the BDE in my installs


 "You should use InstallShield Express (or other certified installation
program) for installing the BDE. InstallShield Express creates the necessary
registry entries and defines any aliases the application may require."

But the distributed InstallShield Express does not have the necessary merge
modules readily available. BDE does not even show as a merge module and the
appropriate directories are empty!
 I tried searching Borland for "BDE" but came up with only three or four
entries none of them relevent.
 I realised last night that this is the first app in D2005 I was trying to
deploy that wasn't using MySql or simple text files. Everything else had
been maintenece or extension in D4 Pro as some components I have are not
D2005 or .pas available.
 Amyone had to deploy BDE from D2005?

 On 03/11/05, Jeremy North <jeremy.north at gmail.com> wrote:
> If you add the MidasLib unit to the uses clause of a unit in your
> application you don't have to worry about distributing midas.dll
> cheers,
> Jeremy
> >I am aware I should include the
> > Midas.dll and inclued the .DCU, any thing important about where the
> > midas.dll goes win/system32 or in App. directrory?
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