[DUG] Use of ODBC drivers

Mark Howard mhoward at pslog.co.nz
Thu Jun 16 13:23:09 NZST 2005

Hi All

At one client site I have my application (written in D7) is connected to a DBISAM database behind a DBISAM server.
This site wants to develop an in-house (Net/MS-SQL) application which accesses other MS-SQL tables as well as my DBISAM tables (read-only).

Rather than convert my app to MS-SQL it seems that a low cost alternative would be for them to gain access to my data through an ODBC driver.

I have had no experience with ODBC and so I would be very interested in hearing the experiences of others who do have direct experience in reading data and presumably joining tables between MS-SQL databases and other databases accessed through ODBC (not necessarily DBISAM).

What IS possible?  What is not?
Is it robust?
Are there any gotchas?

Are there any good resources that I can read up on?



Forest Production Systems Ltd
Creators of PSLog - A harvesting information system

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