[DUG] Delphi 2006 snippet

Richard Vowles Richard.Vowles at borland.com
Thu Jun 16 10:52:21 NZST 2005

A) You can back date to D5 if you like, but that is going to be very
expensive! You'll have to pay 30% of the IDE price for each version, 6,
7, 8 and 2005!!!
B) No, the 30% is the price of a new version - you can upgrade and get
SA on it, its 30% of the price of a new version, not 30% of the price of
an upgrade. 

Richard Vowles
Borland Solutions Architect
DDI: +64-9-9184573, Cell: +64-21-467747
email and IM/MSN: richard.vowles at borland.com
Skype: rvowles

-----Original Message-----
From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz]
On Behalf Of JeremyN at FrontierSoftware.com.au
Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 1:15 p.m.
To: delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
Subject: RE: [DUG] Delphi 2006 snippet

> Single developers on the pro version don't want to keep current? 

Couple of things on this:

a) I saw that you offered to back date SA for users. Does this include
people that bought and are still on D5?
b) To qualify for SA you had to buy a NEW version (not upgrade) to
Has this changed...

>From an australia price distributor:

Delphi 2005 Professional
$499 (upgrade)
$1149 (New User)
$1665 (RRP) => $499 (30%)  $333 (20%)

Delphi 2005 Enterprise
$1599 (upgrade)
$2699 (New User)
$3804 (RRP) => $1141 (30%)  $760(20%)

Delphi 2005 Architect   
$2499 (upgrade)
$3799 (New User)
$5331 (RRP) => $1599 (30%)  $1066(20%)

Software Assurance used to be 30% of RRP for new software assurance
purchases, and 20% for software assurance renewals. I am awaiting
clarification of the current pricing and availability.

So for a pro user they'd have to buy the New User license and then SA.
$1149 (that's the new user discount price from the guy) and then $499.
All up front.

Then they'd get any delphi versions released in 12 months. When they
renew it would be $333.

If they continued to upgrade they would pay the $499 for the upgrade and
when the new release was available, if they wanted to they'd just
upgrade again. It would be another 4 years before they broke SA was
advantageous to them and for a PRO user, 4 years and 4 supposed releases
is a long time.
Plus the initial outlay is a lot. Also if there is no release in the 12
months, it would be another year before the SA was cost effective to the

Personally I think SA is an excellent deal for Ent and Arch users. The
initial outlay may put the pro user off.

Wonder how many people here use PRO because of costs reasons.


Richard Vowles
Borland Solutions Architect
DDI: +64-9-9184573, Cell: +64-21-467747
email and IM/MSN: richard.vowles at borland.com
Skype: rvowles

-----Original Message-----
From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz]
On Behalf Of JeremyN at FrontierSoftware.com.au
Sent: Wednesday, 15 June 2005 12:15 p.m.
To: delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
Subject: RE: [DUG] Delphi 2006 snippet

Didn't New Zealand role back Software Assurance to 20% like Australia,
US and the UK have done?

BTW, I know what Software Assurance is. Just looks like Kyley was having
a bad day because given the post on SA and the outrageous rant from the
post afterwards (I'm still trying to get up off the floor after that gem
- especially "The brain is an excellent tool for all the other stuff." -
Quote of the year that one) 

Good to see some traffic on the list though :-)

Software assurance is probably not geared towards single developers that
use the PRO version, then again - you can't please everyone.

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