Chris Veale CVeale at hortresearch.co.nz
Wed Jun 15 15:28:16 NZST 2005

forgive my ignorance but did you set up the hostname of the server?

>>> ross at stationplaylist.com 15/06/2005 3:17:08 p.m. >>>
I should add that I'm using the HTTP.Get method.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ross Levis" <ross at stationplaylist.com>
To: "NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List" <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz>
Sent: Wednesday, June 15, 2005 3:11 PM
Subject: [DUG] TIdHTTP

I have a question which I've posted on the Indy newsgroup without a
response at this stage so thought I would try here, in case someone has
done this before.

Using D7 with the last release of Indy 9.

I need to login to a web page on an HTTP server which requires a
http auth username and password.  The URL is formatted correctly to
this information, and I've also tried setting the Request.Username and
Request.Password properties, but it doesn't work.  The server is

HTTP/1.0 401: Authentication Required

I can log into the web page manually in IE.  Can anyone suggest what may
the problem?


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