[DUG] History Tabs?

Rohit Gupta rohit at cfl.co.nz
Wed Jun 15 15:08:50 NZST 2005

Hi Jeremy,

I archive my changes when they are finished to a milestone or I 
know I dont want to lose this amount of work... which happens 4 to 
5 times a day.

And I burn a CD every day.

Its really trivial to do if you have all the batch files setup.

From:           	JeremyN at frontiersoftware.com.au
To:             	delphi at ns3.123.co.nz
Subject:        	RE: [DUG] History Tabs?
Date sent:      	Wed, 15 Jun 2005 12:34:00 +1000
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> If the History has saved your bacon then it implies that 
> you were not using source version control before D2005?

How on earth can you say that. That's a mightly assumption to come to.

Do you checkin your changes everytime you hit the save button?

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