[DUG] Delphi 2006 snippet

Wayne Roser rr at kristin.school.nz
Wed Jun 15 14:37:21 NZST 2005

Single developer here using D6 pro.
It is too hard for me to even find out if an upgrade is worth it.
And upgrading from D4 was a mission. 
Now I'm just trying to work out if I found any features that were worth
the upgrade. 
Um. Still thinking.
Quite liked the new window that appeared in the top left of the ide and
shows a tree of the visible components on a form. Yeah, that was nice.
Maybe if I get a job with a programming company one day ...

I'd really like to do some real client-server stuff (instead of the way I
simulate a number of the features) but I don't think I could convince the
boss to let me buy a copy just in case I could work it out myself. Still,
there's all that spare time ...

delphi at ns3.123.co.nz on Wednesday, 15 June 2005 at 13:17 +0000 wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>On Behalf Of JeremyN at FrontierSoftware.com.au
>Software assurance is probably not geared towards single developers that
>use the PRO version, then again - you can't please everyone.

>From: "Richard Vowles" <Richard.Vowles at borland.com>
>Single developers on the pro version don't want to keep current? 
>Richard Vowles

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