[DUG] descending from TWebModule

Phil Middlemiss phil at tumonz.co.nz
Wed Jun 8 12:08:39 NZST 2005

Thanks David, I'll give that a go tonight (more home-work stuff; after 
"Lost" has finished of course!)


David Brennan wrote:

>It's frustrating isn't it. Took me quite a while to work out how to set
>things up.
>The following code is taken from our registration procedure and demonstrates
>how to install designers for your own VCL level DataModules, Forms and
>Frames. I have hacked it to remove other unrelated code so it might not
>compile but it should give you the idea.
>unit DbbRegDesigners;
>	Classes, DsgnIntf,
>  DmDesigner, // Contains TDataModuleDesignerCustomModule
>  WctlForm; // Contains TWinControlCustomModule
>  procedure Register;
>  TDbbFormCustomModule = class(TCustomModule)
>  end;
>  TDbbFrameCustomModule = class(TWinControlCustomModule)
>  public
>    class function Nestable: Boolean; override;
>  end;
>{ TDbbWinControlCustomModule }
>class function TDbbFrameCustomModule.Nestable: Boolean;
>  // Necessary for TDbbFrame descendents to appear in the create Frame
>  // list.
>  Result := True;
>procedure Register;
>  RegisterNoIcon([TDbbDataModule]);
>  RegisterCustomModule(TDbbDataModule, TDataModuleDesignerCustomModule);
>  RegisterNoIcon([TDbbForm]);
>  RegisterCustomModule(TDbbForm, TDbbFormCustomModule);
>  // Note: DON'T call RegisterNoIcon for TDbbFrame. This will disable copy
>  // paste of TDbbFrame descendents and make it impossible to place a new
>  // TDbbFrame descendent on a form.
>  RegisterCustomModule(TDbbFrame, TDbbFrameCustomModule);
>-----Original Message-----
>From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz] On
>Behalf Of Phil Middlemiss
>Sent: Wednesday, 8 June 2005 8:22 a.m.
>To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
>Subject: [DUG] descending from TWebModule
>I have defined a class that descends from TWebModule and adds a couple 
>of extra methods that we will commonly use. There is no attached dfm 
>with it. When I create a new TWebModule and then change it's definition to:
>TBrandNewModule = class(TMyWebModule)
>it compiles fine, but if I close the BrandNewModule unit and reopen it, 
>the IDE thinks that the {$R *.dfm}should be a TForm descendant and not a 
>TWebModule descendant, and therefore anything in the saved dfm unit that 
>doesn't belong on a TForm is lost and the created window is a TForm, not 
>a TWebModule.
>Is there some trick here? It doesn't quite seem a job for the 
>repository, and I tried registering the TMyWebModule class aswell 
>without any joy.
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