[DUG] Firebird connections / queries

Phil Middlemiss phil at tumonz.co.nz
Wed Jul 27 17:02:02 NZST 2005

Ah, I was just about to ask if, for SELECT queries, it was preferable to 
rollback or to commit. But I guess that answers the question. What is 
the long term effect on a server if I keep using rollbacks?


Rohit Gupta wrote:

>just make sure that you do not leave transactions open.... either 
>have readonly ones or commit/rollback as soon as possible.  And 
>avoid rollback, Firebird seems to treat them as transactions in 
>From:           	"Paul Lowman" <paul_lowman at xtra.co.nz>
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>Date sent:      	Wed, 27 Jul 2005 15:51:54 +1200
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>Hi all
>I am using Firebird / dbExpress in an industrial control application and
>wondered about the following points:
>Is it OK to open a connection to a database and leave it open for extended
>periods (ie: days) or should I open and close the connection on demand?
>Similarly is it OK to prepare queries when the app starts and leave them in
>a prepared state for extended periods?
>My instincts tell me that this may be a bad approach ...
>Any opinions welcome ...
>Paul Lowman
>paul_lowman at xtra.co.nz
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