[DUG] D2006 Compiler

Jeremy North jeremy.north at gmail.com
Wed Dec 21 10:39:58 NZDT 2005

Hi Max,

> Yes, there is a separate parser that is used for the structure window as
> opposed to the actual code generator. Over the course of the Delphi 2006
> development it has come in for a certain amount of whacking to get it
> parsing the same way as the actual Delphi compiler parser.

Where can I read that this was the case?

> The bug you are seeing was fairly common at one stage but has mostly been
> fixed and seems to be an issue with pathing differences between the two
> compilers. Hopefully your particular problem will be corrected in the Update
> 1 patch out nowish, or perhaps in the Update 2 due some time next early
> year.

Considering the Update 1 patch is all about C++Builder I highly doubt
any Error Insight parser fixes were addressed.

> Interesting FYI: The Win32 Delphi compiler and code generator is written in
> C++,

No it isn't. It is written in C.

> and is a separate DLL that you can see in the Bin directory called
> DCC32.DLL. The new structure parser is written in Delphi and is thus a
> completely separate code base. There my be still some corners of Delphi
> syntax that the new parser doesn't handle correctly.

And some corner cases it never will.


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