[DUG] D2006

John Bird johnkbird at paradise.net.nz
Mon Dec 19 13:39:49 NZDT 2005

Accessing older help for D2006

I have a cunning plan....I tried adding to the Tools menu a tool saying

 "c:\Program Files\borland\Delphi5\Help\delphi5.hlp"

But this does not work.....it complains of cannot execute this (error 2) I
tried a few variations as well (setting working dir etc but it also does not
like this)... any suggestions?  I think the problem is that the tool has to
be an .exe file, and any of the usual tricks such as start Delphi5.hlp or
cmd /c delphi.hlp don't work either...

Other comments...

Thanks for the tip on how to install a component
(Make a new package, add units, right click and select install) - way
different from D5

Well I have got all the way to remaking my largest program (some 15000
lines), no problems - compiled and ran first time which was nice to see.
Now to clean up all of the new compiler warnings and hints.....

Only and main problem I have found so far is I am still finding my way
around the help.....

I need a topic like
"Help on using D2006 help for Delphi 2006 Win32"

Some simple examples of help that I can't find in the help are:

1 - Component, adding  (this topic is I think sort of distantly related, but
is headed up Platform SDK: Transaction Server) and I don't think is talking
about the Delphi Win32 IDE..

2 - IDE Keyboard shortcuts

3 - D2006 using IDE - quick guide - well there is one which mainly describes
the font conventions...

4 - Compiler warning FileAge deprecated - OK how do I find the File control
routines to see what is now recommended?
(Searching for FileAge shows its help but no hint of what is recommended to
replace it with)...and there is no link to an overview of File routines as
used to be in D5)...

I am guessing the help is now a generalised one to cater for huge amounts of
MS and .Net general info, so one tends to get lost in the sea of information
for that.....

Well on Keyboard shortcuts here is a list....bet most don't know all of


Convenient editor shortcuts (Delphi2006)
Posted on Thursday, December 15, 2005 10:11 AM

Every once in a while I'll come across a message from a developer who wasn't
aware of a particular feature or keyboard shortcut that might ease some of
their development pain.  Following is a short list of convenient editor
keyboard shortcuts for the default keybinding that is shipped with Delphi
2006.  This not an exhaustive list, just the ones that I find are lesser
known, yet still very convenient.  :-D

CTRL+J               : Invoke code templates
CTRL+T               : Delete current word
CTRL+E               : Incremental search
CTRL+Y               : Delete current line
CTRL+SHIFT+G         : Insert a new GUID at the cursor position
CTRL+SHIFT+I         : Indent the current selected block
CTRL+SHIFT+U         : outdent the current selected block
CTRL+SHIFT+Y         : delete to the end of line
CTRL+SHIFT+J         : Invoke syncedit
ALT+[                : match pair forward
ALT+]                : match pair backward
ALT+RightArrow       : browse forward (hotlink history)
ALT+LeftArrow        : browse backward (hotlink history)
ALT+UpArrow          : browse to symbol under editor cursor (invoke a
hotlink and add it to the hotlink history)
F4                   : Run program to current cursor position
F5                   : Toggle breakpoint
F7                   : Debugger step into
F8                   : Debugger step over
F9                   : Run program under debugger
CTRL+F12             : View units
ALT+G                : Goto line number in editor
CTRL+SHIFT+R         : Start/Stop recording editor macro
CTRL+SHIFT+P         : Play editor macro
CTRL+SPACE           : Invoke code completion
CTRL+SHIFT+SPACE     : Invoke code parameter hints
CTRL+ENTER           : Open file at cursor
CTRL+SHIFT+C         : Invoke class completion for the class that currently
contains the cursor
CTRL+SHIFT+UpArrow   : Navigate to method implementation/declaration
CTRL+SHIFT+DownArrow : Navigate to method implementation/declaration
CTRL+ALT+UpArrow     : Navigate to previous method implementation in lexical
CTRL+ALT+DownArrow   : Navigate to next method implementation in lexical
CTRL+ALT+Home        : Navigate to the lexically first method implementation
in this source unit
CTRL+ALT+End         : Navigate to the lexically last method implementation
in this source unit
CTRL+/               : Toggle comment per line or selected block


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