[DUG] Memcheck

Wayne Roser rr at kristin.school.nz
Fri Dec 9 07:20:19 NZDT 2005

NB Don't read this posting if you are busy working! You have been warned.

Sorry Trevor. Despite being one of those plugging for MemCheck, I don't think I'd recognise a
dynamically loaded package if one sprang over and pashed me. For a while, I couldn't get Memcheck
working because I needed a later version; I think it was "floating point error in antelope pashed
high veldt".

Oh, hang on,  "dynamically loaded package", is that like those weapon magazines in games like Halo?
Yeah, that'll be it. You press one button to load and the previous magazine seems to be dynamically
loaded in your backpack or somewhere. I know this because ... someone I know ... reload often,
sometimes after firing just a couple of shots, and the nearly full magazine never seems to come
back with any missing.


Note to self: don't expose your ignorance to potential employers. 
Note to self: ask someone what a "dynamically loaded package" really is.
Note to self: don't reload until the magazine is empty for a more realistic (um, you know, with,
like, various coloured aliens running around the place saying "they're everywhere" in squeeky
voices) experience. 
Note to self: watch out for those pashope antelings or panting ashelopes - probably coming in Halo

NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List <delphi at ns3.123.co.nz> on Thursday, 8 December 2005 at
6:12 p.m. +0000 wrote:
>  There was lots of activity last week about using MemCheck.
>  Has anyone actually managed to make it work with dynamically loaded
>  I've tried and tried, but all I can get MemCheck to do is crash my
>  Nearly all of the apps that I build consist of a statically linked splash
>screen package and a statically linked module loader package and not much
>  Incidentally, this allows me to create multiple apps with the same
>compiled code.  Just changing the exe name points the module loader in a
>different direction so different modules get loaded and you get a whole
>different app.
>  Typical .exe size is ~25K, but once you (dynamically) load all of those
>packages, we're talking about a big system.
>  Could be I'm pashing the antelope a bit more than antelopes like to be
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