[DUG] Demoing at a DUG Meeting - Accredo or otherwise

Max Nilson max at accredo.co.nz
Mon Aug 22 15:05:48 NZST 2005

Neven commented: 

> You may be dismissive of MYOB but you can't argue with success

MYOB can't fill our niche in the market, and we can't fill their's. 

> You asked for my opinion of how I perceived Accredo and I 
> assume you agree with it, I don't agree that your 
> implementors couldn't handle something more complex, If that 
> is your logic its slightly patronising.

I wanted to found out what you "disagreed" with in our product, and
obviously it's everything apart from the UI. Your preception of Accredo of a
product that does not meet your requirements is 100% correct, but why we
should change our entire company, business, support and development model to
achieve n-tier purity for your approval is somewhat beyond my understanding.

We have a decades long relationship with our implementors and know very
accurately what they are capable of, and what they are not. We talk to them
often and in depth and have very close business relationships with some of
them. From our perspective it is a losing proposition to develop anything
that cannot be supported.

> The point is if you want accredo be in the mid range with 
> Great Plains, Navision, MySAP etc then you will at minimum 
> offer the functionality I suggested, otherwise you are simply 
> posturing

We have a jobs, products, customers, an existing market and development
plans, and have been in the business for 20 plus years. What part of all
this resembles posturing in any way?

Apologies to the rest of the list for this discussion as it seems to have
moved away from any interesting Delphi issues and into the realms of a
disagreement about architecture and implementation. Unless any thing more
Delphi specific is commented on I'll be keeping silent on this thread.

Cheers, Max.

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