[DUG] Window maximised in the slightly Claytons sense

Rohit Gupta r.gupta at xtra.co.nz
Fri Aug 19 22:10:29 NZST 2005


Hi, you have found mickeymouse bug # 74 in windoze.  :-)  Out of the 3 
suites of 7 apps each only one app in each does this for me.  There is 
nothing special about it, the mainform has exactly the same components 
as another app in all 3 suites.  It used to work fine, one morning it 
stopped and has not recovered.... until

After lots of fiddling the following works for me in the dpr file.

  Application.CreateForm(Tfrm_Cfg_Main, frm_Cfg_Main);
  frm_Cfg_Main.WindowState := wsNormal;  { Form property does not work 
from stream }
  frm_Cfg_Main.WindowState := wsMaximized;

If it works for you then its a little tidier than the timer.  I can tell 
you, it used to drive the users nuts.  :-)

It still looks funny as you can see it resizing at startup but at least 
the user does not have to do it.

Wayne Roser wrote:

>I have an app that I want to start off maximised so I set the main form
>WindowState to wsMaximized at design time. (Delphi 6 pro)
>On my screen, winXP pro with all possible display options set to "windows
>classic", this is fine. 
>On other machines, winXP and all possible defaults left just as they were
>installed, the top of the form sits below the top of the screen and more
>than half of the status bar on my main form sits behind that big chunky 3D
>start bar. If I normalize and maximize, bingo, just like a bought one,
>just what I would've wanted at the beginning. 
>Can anyone tell me what's going wrong? I put a lot of really useful stuff
>(IMOhSoHO) in that status bar [bottom lip out and quivering; arms folded;
>head turned away].
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