[DUG] Window maximised in the slightly Claytons sense

Stacey Verner stacey at cjntech.co.nz
Fri Aug 19 10:58:26 NZST 2005

I have found that if you have a fairly complex form with lots of nested
panels, then maximising a form when the application starts seems to
fail, and things get left behind. I have a panel in the back containg
all of the components and then do the following.

pBack.Align := alNone;
WindowsState := wsMaximised;
pBack.Align := alClient;

"pBack" is the background panel.

You may need a ProcessMessages.

I have also found that anchors really stuff when you resize a form on
creatio, but if you have an Aligned Panel with anchored controls on it
the anchors work fine.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz 
> [mailto:delphi-bounces at ns3.123.co.nz] On Behalf Of Wayne Roser
> Sent: Friday, 19 August 2005 9:03
> To: NZ Borland Developers Group - Delphi List
> Subject: [DUG] Window maximised in the slightly Claytons sense
> I have an app that I want to start off maximised so I set the 
> main form WindowState to wsMaximized at design time. (Delphi 6 pro)
> On my screen, winXP pro with all possible display options set 
> to "windows classic", this is fine. 
> On other machines, winXP and all possible defaults left just 
> as they were installed, the top of the form sits below the 
> top of the screen and more than half of the status bar on my 
> main form sits behind that big chunky 3D start bar. If I 
> normalize and maximize, bingo, just like a bought one, just 
> what I would've wanted at the beginning. 
> Can anyone tell me what's going wrong? I put a lot of really 
> useful stuff
> (IMOhSoHO) in that status bar [bottom lip out and quivering; 
> arms folded; head turned away].
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