[DUG] Window maximised in the slightly Claytons sense

Wayne Roser rr at kristin.school.nz
Fri Aug 19 09:02:49 NZST 2005

I have an app that I want to start off maximised so I set the main form
WindowState to wsMaximized at design time. (Delphi 6 pro)

On my screen, winXP pro with all possible display options set to "windows
classic", this is fine. 
On other machines, winXP and all possible defaults left just as they were
installed, the top of the form sits below the top of the screen and more
than half of the status bar on my main form sits behind that big chunky 3D
start bar. If I normalize and maximize, bingo, just like a bought one,
just what I would've wanted at the beginning. 

Can anyone tell me what's going wrong? I put a lot of really useful stuff
(IMOhSoHO) in that status bar [bottom lip out and quivering; arms folded;
head turned away].

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