[DUG] Pocket PC Development D2005

Jeremy Coulter vss at vss.co.nz
Tue Aug 16 14:47:34 NZST 2005

Well this is my first day doing PocketPC development....I SHOULD be doing 
real work tho, and I will after this email :-)  

BUT, I must say I did get to grips with the Delphi 2005 tool pretty quickly. 
There are some issues straight away tho, and they are document and its easy 
work arounds.
Basically, you need to remove unsupported properties like TAG and NAME for 
controls....its all in the document what you do.....and there are some other 
small things, but I had something running pretty quick.
I would recommend downloading the emulators tho, as I had to restart my 
i-Mate 2 times :-)  onyl because I didnt read ALL the document...hehehe

But, there is some way to go unfortuntuly, but it will be GREAT when its all 
done !!
I used Vis.Studio 2005 and just did a VB.Net app for the PPC, and was 
TOTALLY blown away how when I ran the app. it load it to the PPC, then, if I 
set a break point in the code, then fired that code, say on a button click, 
it actually stopped at that line when I clicked the button on the running 
app. in the PPC !!!  that I must admit was VERY clever.

I think the borland one had a ways to go yet, BUT, it will be great I 
suspect when its all sorted !
I think its worth a download all the same.


-----Original Message-----
From: "Colin/Mina" <colmin at ihug.co.nz>
To: <vss at vss.co.nz>
Date: Tue, 16 Aug 2005 14:02:59 +1200
Subject: Re: [DUG] Pocket PC Development D2005

Please keep me up to date with progress.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jeremy Coulter 
To: delphi at delphi.org.nz 
Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:53 PM
Subject: [DUG] Pocket PC Development D2005

Hi All.
Got myself a nice new i-Mate Jam phone with PocketPC 2003 built in, and have 
been looking around for dev. tools.
I just found out that Borland have release "Delphi for .NET Compact 
Framework Technology Preview" for registered users.
Not used it yet, but looks promising.
Just thougt I would mention it as someone asked about developing Pocket PC 
apps. a few weeks back.

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